Question) What are the qualities of a good neighbor?
In our life, we are not very consious of the relationship between neighbors and us, but by keeping the relationships, we can sometimes get a profit from them. Most people try to communicate with neighbors to build a good relationship each other. The point to important is that we see what the qualities of a good neighbor are.
First, neighborhood who is polite is a good standard. They approach us politely, which enable us to meddle in them easily. If they are rude, trying to interfere with them is difficult for us. For instance, if they don’t exchange greetings with us when we happen to meet them, our feeling will not get pleasant. Exchanging greeting is natural for us, but I think it is the best way of building a good relationship with neighbors. In addition, if there is neighbor who is very polite, they can stimulate children or younger people who is not still mature. Therefore, being polite is essential for us to get along with them.
Second, cooperation with neighbors is indispensable in the quality of a good neighbor. By helping each other, regional problems and the problems which I can’t solve by myself can be simple problems. Being there a lot of rubbish in the area where you live in, you should clean up. However, cleaning it makes you boring and many rubbish remain in this area. Here, someone who find the area dirty ask neighborhood to clean up the area, and the area will become clean in a short time.
In conclusion, I think these two things are the qualities of a good neighbor.
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