Some people say having a safe job is more important than being happy at work, but others disagree. I think being happy at work is more important because it makes people work better and can have good results for companies.
If people are happy at work, they work better. Studies in Vietnam showed that happy workers did better at their jobs. Being happy at work can help people use their skills better, which can help the company do well. For example, a restaurant chain in Vietnam was successful because the workers were happy. They had a good atmosphere at work and could get promoted, which made them work harder.
But having a stable job can also be helpful. When it's hard to find a new job, having a stable job can make people feel safer. If they stay with one job for a long time, they can get promoted because they have more experience.
In conclusion, both being happy and safe at work are important, but being happy at work is more important because it can make people work better and help companies succeed.
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