Every animal or plant on Earth has adaptations, o( 1 ) specific characteristics, th( 2 ) help ( 2 ) stay alive in its habitats. Examples of adaptations are fur, feather and fat to help animals k( 3 ) warm in cold places, long legs to help animals escape from their predators or camo( 6 ) to help animals hide from their predators.
Ov( 2 ) time, animals and plants change and evo( 3 ) because off( 6 ) have slightly different characteristics to their parents. Living things b( 3 ) with adaptations that make their lives eas( 3 ) in specific habitats ( 3 ) more likely to survive; the process of advantageous adaptations be( 3 ) passed onto future generations is known ( 2 ) natural selection.
問題 10)
Bo( 2 ) deduction and induction help us navigate real-world problems, su( 2 ) as who committed a crime, the most likely ca( 3 ) of an accident, or how many planets might cont( 3 ) life in the Milky Way galaxy. But wh( 3 ) they're both practical tools for pra( 6 ) problems, they approach problem-solving in op( 6 ) ways. Inductive reasoning is the act of using spe( 5 ) scenarios and making gener( 6 ) conclusions, or moves from specific observations to broad( 2 ) generalizations and theories. Also referred ( 2 ) as "cause-and-effect reasoning," inductive reasoning can be thought of as a "bo( 4 ) up" approach. D( 8 ) reasoning works the other way, go( 3 ) from the general to the more specific. We might begin with thinking u( 1 ) a theory about our topic of interest. We then narrow that down into more specific hypo( 6 ) that we can test. This leads us to red( 3 ) our theories down into certain conclusions.
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Posted on 2025/02/01大学院MBA留学等で合格をした生徒様の実績をもとに、(個人が特定できないように配慮しながら、)合格できる回答のためのチートシートを用意しました。本音で言うと、この回答に合わせ...
Posted on 2025/01/25こちらの教材を用いながら確実にステップアップしてください。Duolingoを3カ月で120点以上達成するための写真描写問題演習です。こちらの教材を用いながら確実にステップアッ...
Posted on 2025/01/19DuolingoのInteractive Listening対応問題です。音源を聞いて、会話が成立するのに適切な文章を選んでください。実験的に上げていますので、定期的なアップ...
Posted on 2025/01/14DuolingoのInteractive Listening対応問題です。音源を聞いて、会話が成立するのに適切な文章を選んでください。実験的に上げていますので、定期的なアップ...
Posted on 2025/01/09