(Question 23)
If you're wondering how to qu( 2 ) a job, think of it like dating. Quitting your job is like breaking ( 2 ) with a partner. Sometimes you feel terrible about it; ( 5 ) times you feel pre( 3 ) elated to be moving on. Alternately, you could feel overwhel( 6 ) neutral.
Do you find yourself contemplating jump( 3 ) ship? Listen up. Harvard Business Review outlined seven different methods of quitting t( 3 ) employees use. This website took a lo( 2 ) at the quitting methods and ( 2 ) here to help you understand when it's appropriate to use each o( 2 )—and when it's ( 3 ). (For the record, going out in a blaze ( 2 ) swear words is never a good idea.)
(Question 24)
Japan has be( 3 ) surveying overseas arrivals about their COVID-19 vaccination status as it explores the feasibi( 4 ) of exempting those vaccinated abroad from the country’s strict entry restri( 6 ), government sources said Tuesday.
While Japan has dec( 4 ) to issue so-called vaccine passports to enable residents who have been fully inoculated aga( 4 ) the novel coronavirus ( 2 ) travel internationally, it has y( 2 ) to ease border measures for holders of such vaccine certificates iss( 3 ) abroad.
But w( 3 ) more than 10 different vaccines used around the world, a number of issues rem( 3 ) to be resolved, including whe( 4 ) those n( 2 ) approved by the government will be recognized.
ログイン・会員登録はこちら圧勝キャリア獲得 20
アルファ特訓 1
総合商社圧勝内定 34
ボスキャリ圧勝内定 14
欧米アジアMBA圧勝合格 10
外資金融圧勝内定 21
起業 9
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Posted on 2025/02/01大学院MBA留学等で合格をした生徒様の実績をもとに、(個人が特定できないように配慮しながら、)合格できる回答のためのチートシートを用意しました。本音で言うと、この回答に合わせ...
Posted on 2025/01/25こちらの教材を用いながら確実にステップアップしてください。Duolingoを3カ月で120点以上達成するための写真描写問題演習です。こちらの教材を用いながら確実にステップアッ...
Posted on 2025/01/19DuolingoのInteractive Listening対応問題です。音源を聞いて、会話が成立するのに適切な文章を選んでください。実験的に上げていますので、定期的なアップ...
Posted on 2025/01/14