Duolingo 穴埋め問題 12回目

Posted: 2021/07/21 | By: 高橋 拓実





例)He beh(  4  ) badly, so his mother go(  1  ) angry. 
  => He behaved badly, so his mother got angry.


挑戦=>解答確認=>解説 の順で学習してみてください。難易度は1~10の中から主観で選んでいます。

(Question 23) 

If you're wondering how to qu(  2  ) a job, think of it like dating. Quitting your job is like breaking (  2  ) with a partner. Sometimes you feel terrible about it; (  5  ) times you feel pre(  3  ) elated to be moving on. Alternately, you could feel overwhel(  6  ) neutral.

Do you find yourself contemplating jump(  3  ) ship? Listen up. Harvard Business Review outlined seven different methods of quitting t(  3  ) employees use. This website took a lo(  2  ) at the quitting methods and (  2  ) here to help you understand when it's appropriate to use each o(  2  )—and when it's (  3  ). (For the record, going out in a blaze (  2  ) swear words is never a good idea.)

(Question 24)

Japan has be(  3  ) surveying overseas arrivals about their COVID-19 vaccination status as it explores the feasibi(  4  ) of exempting those vaccinated abroad from the country’s strict entry restri(  6  ), government sources said Tuesday.

While Japan has dec(  4  ) to issue so-called vaccine passports to enable residents who have been fully inoculated aga(  4  ) the novel coronavirus (  2  ) travel internationally, it has y(  2  ) to ease border measures for holders of such vaccine certificates iss(  3  ) abroad.

But w(  3  ) more than 10 different vaccines used around the world, a number of issues rem(  3  ) to be resolved, including whe(  4  ) those n(  2  ) approved by the government will be recognized.




圧勝キャリア獲得 20

アルファ特訓 1

総合商社圧勝内定 34

ボスキャリ圧勝内定 14

α 5Key Questions 5

欧米アジアMBA圧勝合格 10

外資金融圧勝内定 21

起業 9


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